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Throwback Video - Coldsmoking Milton Keynes

2 summers ago, with similar sunshine and good food, we were filming the promotional video for a great tasty business, Coldsmoking Milton Keynes. Fast forward to today and they are still creating great food, delivering fantastic courses and we are lucky to have an office just 5 minutes from them.

Turan delivers amazing courses, teaching people the likes of sausage making, charcuterie, meat curing and smoking. The flavours and tastes were simply incredible and Storm Videos had the job to get this across with a promotional video for their website.

Here it is:

The video is now embedded in the website and has 2,000 views on YouTube, here is what Turan had to say, following the filming and editing of this promotional video:

"Matt from Storm Videos is a professional and thoughtful videographer with a sound technical background and a stack of awards in his wake. Matt produced and edited an introductory video for my cookery school in Milton Keynes. We were very pleased with the results and wouldn't hesitate to recommend him to anyone who is looking to promote their company or business with a personalised promotional video. We are using Matt to produce additional video content which is in itself a hearty endorsement."

Thanks Turan! And you too can get a taste of the flavour on any of their courses or why not visit them at the Milton Keynes Food Festival? It takes place on Saturday the 15th September at Linford Manor Park in Milton Keynes. Its set to be a day of good fun and good food!

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Storm Videos

Norfolk House East (3rd Floor)

106-108 Saxon Gate West

Milton Keynes


Video Production Company Milton Keynes

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