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Testimonial - Shield EU

Recently we created some video content for Shield EU, a company specialising in high quality security doors. The purpose of the videos were to generate online exposure for the company through social media, as well as being sent out to explain what the company do. The videos generated in excess of 6,000 views and are still growing.

Here is what Gary at Shield EU thought about the work we compeleted:

"I would like to share the fantastic work Matt Worthington from Storm videos has done in creating two videos for our security doors and windows business. Matt first came to a clients house with us and spent a morning filming to create the right content to edit into a 90 second clip which we now have on our website and social media. Matt has a very clear understanding of what is required and had made the effort to understand our business. The clip looks great and was good fun to make. Most importantly it has given us a surge in exposure on all our social media sites and enables me to send to customers as a follow up to their initial enquiries. Matt then came to the factory and did a “factory Tour” video for us. I would strongly recommend Matt to anyone looking to use the power of video to expand their business."

Thanks Gary! If you would like to watch the video, here is one below, find the others on our channel:

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Storm Videos

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Video Production Company Milton Keynes

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